“Loving and giving make life worth living!”
YES! I want to help support Farm Sanctuary’s efforts to help animals and end farm animal abuse through legislative and legal actions, public awareness and humane education projects, and direct rescue and shelter of farm animals.
A contribution of $100 or more entitles you to a Farm Sanctuary Membership for one year. Members receive a subscription to Sanctuary, our print magazine. Thank you for your donation today!
If you give,
it will surely help!
Your donations will help provide shelter and care for the animals. What would that include?
Food (daily feed & supplements)
Shelter, Medical care
Fencing, Farm maintenance
Become a sustaining donor! Click “Monthly” under the donation amount to join our cause by helping care for our animals.

JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)
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