We’re thankful

The year in review


by Jenny, Britt & Lynn | Dec 25, 2020

“I am just thankful for animal sanctuaries.”

Hundreds of Abused Animals Are Saved Every Year …

When asked to write what I’m most thankful for this year, immediately I was finding it hard to pinpoint just one or two things. Am I most thankful that DJ the pig bounced back from his brush with cancer? Or that we rescued 6 hens from a religious sacrificial ritual? Or that I had the privilege of caring for Grady, one of JP’s original cow rescues, before he passed away peacefully, surrounded by those he loved…

When you work with rescues, there’s no shortage of ups and downs – it comes with the territory. So whilst I’m pondering, it hits me: What I am thankful for, is that places like JP exist in the first place. Running a sanctuary is far from easy but the thing is, when you have people like the crew at JP, there will always be somewhere for animals to go, after they’ve been liberated from industries intent on harming them.

So thank you JP and thank you to all the other sanctuaries around the world, for putting your all into helping the helpless.

So rather than picking just one or two events, I am just thankful for animal sanctuaries. When you see the way society treats animals, it’s easy to feel you are fighting a losing battle. But as we approach a new year, take a moment to remind yourself, hundreds of abused animals are saved every year because people open their homes, their hearts and their entire lives to animals in need.

— Jenny, caregiver

“Your support, generosity and love warmed our hearts.”

Many of you rallied from far and wide …

We can echo Jenny’s sentiments! Our JP furred and feathered family definitely grew this year as we also gained Victor and Ava, our chicken couple; Ronnie and Bernie, our turkey friends; as well as Bruce and Evan our youngest steers! We were also super happy that we could offer Allie, a Holstein cow, a home this past week instead of going to slaughter. This lends me to say how grateful we are for our caregivers, volunteers, family, animal advocates and the Farm Sanctuary’s adoption network. Their work and presence is invaluable.

With all the challenges we faced, we were pleasantly surprised how many of you rallied from far and wide to meet the residents. Some of you came in person to the sanctuary while practicing social distancing and some of you visited us online! No matter how, you were there for the animals! Your support, generosity and love warmed our hearts. It’s not easy putting a pause on visitors (due to Covid) when it is a main area of support for our residents. So all of your kindness was and is amazing – thank you!

Our Challenges

It’s not easy putting a pause on visitors (due to Covid) when it is a main area of support for our residents.

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Make change happen together!

We are ready to say goodbye to 2020 and are preparing to proceed into 2021.

It feels we are not moving fast enough – to make a conscious shift for the betterment of animals and society.

We will continue to educate on the horrific treatment of farmed animals and advocate to change our current food system as animals are not objects. We want to help others make that easy leap to vegan foods and for all to understand that eating meat retains us in a cycle that keeps our bodies unhealthy so we have to take lots of drugs to “be healthy”. It also causes the destruction of our planet by cutting down our forest, especially our tropical forest which are the lungs of the earth, to grow food for livestock. It pollutes our oceans and our riverways but with the hope that 2021, people will choose to be responsible for positive change and make mindful choices.

We are committed to finding solutions for the future so we can invite you to come visit our beautiful residents and talk about how we can make change happen together!!

With all of this said, we are grateful to look into each and every resident’s eyes and thank them for letting us care for them and for being the ambassadors for those whose lives are compromised. As Oscar would say, it is truly an honor.

We are grateful for your support and hope you all have a safe and happy Holiday Season!

Love to All Beings,
Jenny, Britt, Lynn & the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary Family

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