Will ‘Little Beanie Tofu’ and ‘Dolphin’ find their incredible forever home?
by Kathleen Cole | April 14, 2019
When my daughter Madilyn started college I never dreamt that I would soon become the mother of Pigs.
By far, this has been one of the best experiences of my life. I never knew how intelligent, affectionate and amazing pigs were. In fact I had zero knowledge of pigs at all! I now know that they are full of joy and curiosity, tenacity, love and as a bonus, they are also super cute! Taking care of them is my daily meditation. They live their best pig lives digging, napping, snacking and greeting one and all with a tail wag, snort and a smile. Pigs do smile!

Pigs do smile!!
I feel very accomplished, grounded, blessed and extremely fortunate to have raised these beings from just weeks old and now into their 2nd birth year!
I have been fortunate that many friends and family as well have pitched in and have helped support the girls with produce, treats, labor as well as encouragement and enthusiasm.
When I rescued Little Beanie Tofu and Dolphin, my main objective was to prevent them from being slaughtered and then to find them an incredible forever home.

Madilyn is giving Beanie the biggest hug
“When I rescued Little Beanie Tofu and Dolphin, my main objective was to prevent them from being slaughtered and then to find them an incredible forever home.”
—Kathleen Cole, mother of Little Beanie Tofu & Dolphin
It’s a miracle Lynn, Oscar and their family came into our lives. Beanie and Dolphin have found their forever dream home at JP Animal Farm Animal Sanctuary. I couldn’t be more excited and grateful to them and their enormous hearts! I know that Beanie and Dolphin will live their lives deeply loved, safe, happy and that we will all forever be connected through their journey.
Keep up-to-date for their arrival this summer.
I am Kathleen Cole and I AM so lucky to be the mother of pigs.
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How sweet! 😉 Please keep those stories coming ….
This is the best news all year. What exciting times await you all! 🙂
If only more people could come and help out. That would be so very lovely. Thanks for all you do!