Brush-hour, meditation and relaxation — for who!!??
by Lynn & Britt | August 02, 2019
W hen the Hippy Kids first arrived, it took us awhile to get to know everyone’s personalities, their fears and what gave them joy. The little ones would stay by Cara and Belle, mostly Belle at that time as she was very sweet to all of them except Cody who was always with his Mom Cara. We would hang with them outside during the day bringing them food and hoping to interact with them more as they were apprehensive with us at first. But once they got comfortable in the barn and then with their space in the field they started to play and run. I did not know cows could run so fast! As they grew it was an amazing sight to see them so happy and feel the energy in the ground as they joyously ran around the pasture.

They responded to our touch and the attention they got.
We would bring them in for the night to feed them and keep them warm as it was one of the coldest winters Connecticut had in a long time. That is when we started to brush them. Their hair would be tangled sometimes they would have snow and ice on them, so we wanted to get the wetness off. It was then we realized we should start to check and feel their bodies for health purposes as well, like their hooves and legs. So, we would brush them each morning after they ate then at night when they came in. They responded to our touch and the attention they got. Now we brush them in their room separately because they will push each other out of the way to have their turn to be groomed.
One of the great things I noticed is how I feel when I am with them and brushing them. They become so calm and quiet. Sometimes they will continue to chew their cud or take a couple bites of hay but occasionally, you hit a spot that feels so good they freeze. They will look back at you if you stop to say, “hey keep going!!” as well. I like to do long strokes with two brushes as I am grooming them, like when you get a massage. I become relaxed and feel all the weight of the day leave my body, it is such a great sensation.
As they have gotten older you can see them wait in anticipation for their turn. Even when walking around in the barn or field if they see you, they will come over to get a rub.

Now that we are in Litchfield and Britt has joined us she has taken it a step further with the Hippy kids. Her connection to them is really strong and you can see how much they trust her. Here are some of Britt’s experiences below and check out the great pictures and video she has taken.
Thanks for the shout out Lynn! The hippy kids and I have indeed been spending a lot of time together so I have had the great privilege of experiencing many ‘brush hours’ with them. As Lynn remarked, they actually can’t wait and will position themselves with the part of their body that they want brushed in front of me (or anyone who has the brush). It is so cute to see that they love to be brushed inside their thighs and will lift their legs for you to get into the hard to reach places. They also love to get their heads rubbed and brushed, especially behind their ears and horns and under their chins. You can tell they are truly enjoying which makes it reciprocal joy!
One of the great things I noticed is how I feel when I am with them and brushing them. They become so calm and quiet. Sometimes they will continue to chew their cud or take a couple bites of hay but occasionally, you hit a spot that feels so good they freeze.
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With loads of Brush Hour love,
Lynn & Britt
JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt
501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)
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