by Lynn Printy | August 10, 2019
W hen we first decided to rescue farmed animals we were not sure how we would manage taking care of the cows with the work schedule we have, as Oscar and I both travel for our jobs. We knew that was not going to stop us from our mission, but how do we organize and manage daily feeding and care.

We were and are so lucky to have met wonderful people who love to work around animals and realize how amazing they are.
All I can say is thank goodness for family. Without Yvonne, my mother-in-law, we would not have been able to have our dogs or our cows or any of this. She has always been there for us and the furry kids. My brother-in law Michael, amazing how much he helped us with fencing and cow care along with his daughter Chelsea who has done video photography for our website. Tom, Yvonne’s partner has been available to help us so often and is the best cow brusher! And of course Britt, my sister-in-law and her husband Rob, moved from Holland to come and help us with our sanctuary. Rob set up the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary website and now manages it, Britt has taken on so much responsibility and her care for the cows is so special!
We have the best staff! Starting in Newtown the first person to help us was our neighbor Chris. She and my mother-in-law would feed and water the cows while they solved the problems of the world! Kelly was definitely the best dressed as she would show up in cute outfits and never looked dirty, but I knew she did all her chores. The cows immediately took to Madilyn as she is calm and they connected with her right away. They bring so much joy to people and it is fun to see how everyone reacts to them. We were and are so lucky to have met wonderful people who love to work around animals and realize how amazing they are. Our current staff, Grace and Tammy always show up with such a positive attitude and help to ensure that everyone is well taken care of. They help to improve our processes, find new tools to help make things easier and take amazing pictures.

We have many friends who have helped to get the word out about our sanctuary and our mission for change in rules and regulations concerning farmed animals, picked up poo and many who have given time and professional assistance. We could not have done it without all these awesome people and feel so grateful for all of them!
We were and are so lucky to have met wonderful people who love to work around animals and realize how amazing they are.
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Love cows, pigs & community,
JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt
501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)
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