Love and Kindness like Wildflowers this Valentine’s Day

posted by Ashley our caregiver | February 12, 2023

At JP Farm Animal Sanctuary, love and kindness spreads like wildflowers.

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At JP Farm Animal Sanctuary, love and kindness spreads like wildflowers. JP residents have the freedom and comfort to live on their own terms. Despite their tragic beginnings, they choose to love and trust again. Their deep connections inspire us to open our hearts to new beginnings.

Here we highlight some special relationships taking root and blossoming on the farm.

Victor & the Golden Girls

After losing the companionship of one partner and then a flock of hens, Victor spent some lonely days on his stoop. Soon after, the four vivacious Golden Girls came to his rescue (as they were rescued themselves). This recent group of hens give Victor a renewed sense of purpose as their loyal protector. As a true gentleman, Victor guards the hens while they eat their breakfast and dinner, and will even give them his grapes. They have enough love to share with you too, as they follow anyone walking along the fence and run to greet their human friends.

Beanie Tofu & Dolphin

Beanie Tofu and Dolphin, or the Pink Girls, found comfort in one another as piglets. Their bond grew with them into adulthood. At the sanctuary, you will find them snouts up waiting for a corn or peanut treat. On warm days they cool off with a spa in their mud bath, and on cold nights they sleep together in a pig pile to share warmth. Although Dolphin has trouble seeing, she feels the love of Beanie Tofu whenever she is near.

Bruce & Evan

Bruce and Evan, lovingly called the Boys, have been best buds since they were calves. Spending almost their entire life at JP, these playful steers have a special corner of the sanctuary to themselves. Every morning, Evan joins Bruce in their pasture for a day filled with exploration, fresh hay, and naps. When they’re feeling mischievous, they work together to knock over all the hay bins. They love to watch their caregivers run down the hill to get them! There is never a dull moment with this dynamic duo.

Copper & Allie

Copper and Allie teach us that love has no bounds. As rescues from the dairy industry, these cows began to trust again at JP. Just turning 14 years this month, Allie is old enough to be Copper’s grandmother. Regardless of age, these girls have formed a gentle friendship. When Allie stays in her room to rest, Copper will visit her through the gate and show her affection with plenty of licks. They travel across the pasture to find each other and munch on grass side by side.

Life is better when we live it together. Share some love this Valentines Day by supporting and symbolically adopting one of these loving relationships at JP Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Looking for a delicious gift to yourself or to someone special? Consider ordering some cruelty-free chocolate from Trupo Treats with the code JPFARMLOVE for 10% off your order. This year, Trupo Treats is partnering with JP and is donating 20% of proceeds to support our rescued cows, pigs, chickens, and turkey. Give a compassionate gift today.

Would you rather adopt one of these sweet couples symbolically for a one time donation of $35 or become a monthly donor? Look at the various ways to become part of our community. Sign up for our newsletter, write to us, share our sanctuary with others, volunteer or donate through PayPal, Venmo, our Website, or Patreon in

With warmth & love,
Ashley the caregiver

Would you like to be a part of the sanctuary community? Sign up for our newsletter, write to us, share our sanctuary with others, volunteer or make a donation.

Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉


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JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt. 501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)

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