May all beings be happy & free!
by Britt Janssen | August 16, 2019
D o you remember when my mom and I met all those inspiring people at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary in June at their Jamboree? Well Kim Beller was one of them who has now become a new and dear friend of JP Farm Animal Sanctuary and all the residents here.
Kim Beller playing the harmonium for the cows!
It was divine timing when we met Kim as she was just embarking on her own journey with her new Sanctuary Tour podcast series. After hearing our story of rescuing the cows, she wanted to interview us! So a couple of visits later, Kim recorded Oscar, Lynn, me, and the hippy kids’ story which will be available to listen to on August 28 on her website.
Kim interviewing Oscar, Lynn & Britt for her Sanctuary Tour podcast series.
One of the commonalities we share is that we would love to see all beings happy and free. In fact, we share a favorite Sanskrit mantra, ‘Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu’ which translates “May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.” Kim was so excited that she found this on our website as well since it is her daily practice to chant this mantra. During her first visit she brought her harmonium instrument and sang this for the cows…and they definitely were attracted to the music, especially Ethan!
Not only did we relate to Kim in so many ways but also her mission resonated with us: “ connect humans with animals by sharing and highlighting the work of animal sanctuaries around the globe, cultivating a more compassionate, awake world one sanctuary at a time.” So it seemed apropos that she met all the Scottish Highland cows and steers that are here, highlight their rescues and discuss the joy and peace we get with the opportunity to take care of them.
Making a connection ?
Something that we often speak about here at JP Farm, is how we would love to educate ourselves and those we meet to make the connection between all sentient beings. We all want to live. So how wonderful if we could inspire each other to live compassionately! As Oscar and Lynn say so so often, when speaking about the cows, “it is a privilege to be able to be around these beautiful beings.” “They are so calming.” So we invite you to keep in touch with us, learn more about the furry residents here but also animals in other sanctuaries and those who have not yet made it to a sanctuary. Let’s help each other make the connections.
Something that we often speak about here at JP Farm, is how we would love to educate ourselves and those we meet to make the connection between all sentient beings. So how wonderful if we could inspire each other to live compassionately!
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Love all beings,
PS: read Kim’s blog from her first visit at JP Farm:
Listen to our interview on her podcast series on August 28 here:
Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉
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