Save the date and save the planet! ?

By our friend & guest blogger Amy Mallardi | Apr 19, 2020

You can help by sharing their story

C an an individual make a difference during these uncertain times? Will our actions make a difference when the problems seem so insurmountable? Harnessing the power of hope as a true source of strength can be so powerful and inspiring.

“Never doubt that one person can make a difference.” ― Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA

Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA, has said “Never doubt that one person can make a difference”. It truly is within our own power and by our own actions that we can transform the current reality of consumption, waste, and disregard for the inhabitants of this planet into a new reality based on caring, compassion and acknowledgement that all life is sacred and necessary.

“Healing the Earth and Preventing Our Extinction”

To inspire and educate others to live a healthy, happy and compassionate life is the goal that dictates all the actions we take and all the partnerships we make at JP Farm Animal Sanctuary. Please spend Earth Day with us as we partner with Climate Healers and a growing number of other organizations to inspire hope. Dr. Rao will present “Healing the Earth and Preventing Our Extinction” and offer compelling solutions to not only heal our climate and prevent species extinction, but also heal the three main risk factors for Covid-19 mortality (hypertension, diabetes and heart disease) and help prevent future zoonotic diseases.
There has never been a better time for real solutions, real actions and real change.

Join us…

3 Live/Interactive Presentations: “Healing the Earth and Preventing Our Extinction” via Zoom, as to reach all time zones. Choose the best time or join all.
Date: Wednesday, April 22 (Earth Day)
Time: 11am EST, 4pm EST, and 11pm EST. Each presentation is followed by Q&A and discussion.
Join Zoom Meeting Link:

For more information about Dr. Sailesh Rao and how Climate Healers came about (a pinky promise to his granddaughter to heal the climate & create a vegan/compassionate world by 2026), please visit

Dr. Sailesh Rao & his granddaughter, Kimaya, with whom he made a pinky promise to heal the climate!

Would you like to be a part of the sanctuary community? Sign up for our newsletter, write to us, share our sanctuary with others, volunteer or make a donation.

Love to All Beings,
Amy, Lynn, Oscar and the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary Family

Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉

1 Comment

  1. Amy

    So excited for this event. Thank you JP Farm Animal Sanctuary!


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JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt
501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)

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