Summer lovin’ happened so fast…
by Britt Janssen | September 3, 2019
I ncredible! Summer is just about over and we’ve had so many fun highlights. The best part is what we’ve encountered, on a daily basis, right here on the hill.

So much wildlife at the Sanctuary, too!
You know you live in the country when every day you not only see your resident rescued farm animals but so much wildlife. Deer, turkeys, and bears ‘oh my’! And that is not all, our rescued doggies have also come back home with porcupine quills in their snouts, chased the bumblebees and have also been chased by mama sparrows guarding their babies! But what amazed us were all the various types of frogs and toads we found living on the sanctuary. Who knew there were so many sizes and patterns? We found a chubby salamander and her tiny babies, prehistoric looking insects, psychedelic looking spiders and well the list goes on. The sounds of summer have been pretty neato as well, like a mini concert of insects, birds and even coyotes. One of our favorite parts was watching the summer sunsets with the hippy kids grazing and resting. What peace and joy!

“Hay Hay” says Tallulah!
Spreading the word ….
As we enjoyed the sights and sounds, so did many others. We are so excited that the stories of the hippy kids and pink girls spread and continues to thanks to our volunteers, family and friends! We had about 50 people at first open volunteer day. It was a big success. Some of our main supporters raised donations – so grateful as every donation helps so much! We were also interviewed for Sanctuary Tour’s podcast to help spread the word! Please listen to it here:

The pig barn is almost finished! ?
The pig barn for the pink girls is almost done. We had the groundbreaking in June, built most of it by ourselves and then had a professional crew finish the roof this past weekend. We had volunteers help begin the fencing and hope to get another day of volunteers to help complete the fence. As we approach their arrival in mid September, we continue to prepare!
We got a hay elevator a few months ago (can you imagine Oscar would toss up each bail every time after he picked up the order)! Now we get it delivered and use the elevator…so much better. We also stocked up on second cutting hay which the cows love.
One highlight the cows did not love was how hot it got…thank goodness for the summer haircuts to keep them cool. So now the weather change is great for them. The cool breezes that have come in the last week have had the hippy kids moving a little quicker and even running and doing happy hind leg kicks in the air! Even Brody, who moves slowly because of his hip dysplasia, was ready to get out to the field to smell and feel the breeze.

Volunteer highlights
We hope to keep the momentum of JP Farm Animal Sanctuary getting noticed as we grow so that the stories will help more animals in need and inspire compassionate living for all.
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Love from the farm,
Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉
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