The Gift of Sanctuary

posted by Ashley the caregiver | December 20, 2022

Belle and Tallulah, our Scottish Highland cows.

You can help by sharing their story

Many cultures celebrate holidays around the Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year. In spite of the darkness, we find little ways to remind ourselves that these long nights will pass and the cold will subside. We decorate trees, light candles, and illuminate walkways with string lights. We hunker down with our loved ones by the fire, warm drinks in hand. Although December holds the longest nights of the year, the month is brimming with warmth from our holiday cheer. After the holidays, we move forward through the winter encouraged by the promise of brighter days over the snow-covered horizon.

JP sanctuary, lovingly nicknamed Joy and Peace, exists to rescue animals from their darkest days. After seasons of neglect and abuse, our rescued farm animals find warmth and comfort in the light of Oscar and Lynn’s home. In this place of healing, there is a promise of brighter days ahead as they embrace new friendships and settle into an enriching routine.

Mozza, that’s me.

The power of sanctuary transforms everyone involved. The animals help us slow down and become truly present. They embody the grace and happiness of living for each moment. For those who are willing to observe, there are many more lessons being modeled at JP sanctuary. Copper, our newest dairy cow, reminds us with her endless licks to express gratitude and affection to the ones we care about. Ronnie the turkey reminds us to be confident in who we are (even if our feathers are hardly as magnificent as his). Mozza, our floppy-eared pig, reminds us to seize the moment with her spontaneous runs through an open meadow. After a year full of love, laughter, and lessons, everyone is preparing for a cold winter. As we hunker down for the coming months, we are warmed by the memories and support of all our friends this past year.

That’s Shirley and Pepper

As gifts are given across the world this season, a feeling of gratitude is exchanged. More than wrapping paper with bows on top, these gifts invigorate the community we’ve created as we embark on a new chapter together. Each year, sanctuaries give the gift of second chances. Our animals have been rescued from their darkest days, brought in from the cold of a world that viewed them as products into the warmth of the family we’ve created at JP.

And we’re Copper & Allie

Sanctuaries survive solely on the generosity of others. The gift we give to the animals is only possible through the gifts we receive by those who love them. This holiday season, help support the power of sanctuary. There are different ways to give a meaningful gift through JP Farm Animal Sanctuary today!

  • Choose an animal to symbolically adopt! Will you choose Tallulah, our Scottish Highlander cow with sassy bangs and a craving for cookies; or will you choose Rudy, our newest rooster that has an appetite for adventure and loves being held.
  • Contribute towards our winter stocking of hay. This donation supports every rescued animal on the farm, whether giving the gift of hay to eat or bedding to stay warm.

We hope everyone feels a sense of belonging and love this holiday season! May your days stay merry and bright.

Ashley the caregiver,

Would you like to be a part of the sanctuary community? Sign up for our newsletter, write to us, share our sanctuary with others, volunteer or make a donation.

Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉


  1. Aleta Markham

    Thank you, Ashley for your thoughtful, cohesive and loving thoughts. As I read what you have written, I feel warmth and the part of me that is centered and determined and hopeful is stronger after reading it.

    All of the residents of the Sanctuary and the humans who love them and care for them at JP are teachers and friends and I am so happy to know all of them.

    Aleta Markham

    • JP Family

      Thank you Aleta, for your connection, kindness, and friendship with all the residents and caregivers at JP.


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JP Farm Animal Sanctuary is a nonprofit, tax-exempt. 501(c)(3) corporation (EIN 83-1674833)

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