W e are so excited to let everyone know that “The Pink Girls” have arrived! Their names are Little Beanie Tofu and Dolphin, given to them by their first adoptive parents Madilyn and Zac.

Beanie Tofu is fully exploring her new grounds … and seemingly enjoying it!
We started to prepare for their transport and we were all a little nervous as we did not know if they would want to get on the trailer. As you know pigs are extremely smart and sensitive. Their sense of smell is so keen that they can smell something that is 25 feet underground! Their sense of smell can also help humans. Some pigs are trained to assist law enforcement officers. They can sniff out drugs, just like dogs. Pigs tend to be near-sighted and rely on their senses of smell and hearing.

Mama Kathleen and her ‘babies’ at their new forever home …
… the joy we felt
Kathleen their caretaker for the last two years, came up with a “food plan” to get them on the trailer, as they are very motivated by food. We put some fun things that they usually don’t get like donuts and ice cream in their food bowls and set them in the trailer as she carried a bucket of treats and had them follow her into the trailer!! It worked!! Yeah, the joy we felt as they got on because we did not want to traumatize them.
Once they arrived at the farm they were a little warm and not so happy so we cooled them down with a hose and got their pool out so they could get comfortable. They explored their new surroundings once they settled in, had some nice fresh greens and grain then went to their new room full of soft dry hay and slept till morning. They are not early risers, they like to sleep till 8 or 9 then have a delicious breakfast full of lettuce, kale, carrots, peaches (no pits) radishes, berries and grain. This will vary with the seasons.

“Don’t I look gorgeous!!?” ?
They have been here for almost a week now and are looking at everything. They have a hill in their area so they have been trying to go up and down it, they love the fresh green grass and weeds. They are digging up the rocks and look so cute with their dirty brown noses when you call their names. They have checked out the fencing but we hope they like staying in their area.
It is a joy to hang with them in the hay and listen to them “talk”. Dolphin is the most vocal and I can’t wait to understand everything she is saying. As we spend time with them I think we will create our own vocabulary and will be able to communicate in a wonderful way that provides a better understanding between us.
Thank you to all the people who have helped us prepare for the pigs arrival we could not have done it without you!!
Love pigs and all farm animals,
Share the goodness, for goodness sake …. 😉
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I know you’re busy but if I send you a donation in honor of someone do you inform them through snail mail or email?
Hi Joanne! 🙂
Thank you so much for asking this question.
You can fill out the donation form with the ‘email’ information and a personalized note. We will then send an email with pictures of the animals at JP Farm Animal Sanctuary, your note and our details to your honoree. Please let us know if you have anymore questions. 🙂
Thank you for sharing their story!
Thank you Amy for all the care you give them with your food scrap deliveries! They are so happy with every meal. 🙂